Learn to be equally as effective working from home as you are in person.

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Optimize your Setup

Whether you're looking for a basic, intermediate, or advanced setup, you'll learn how to build the perfect remote virtual teaching platform for your needs.

Learn the Right Tech

With so many technology choices available to today's remote teacher it can be hard to know where to start. We've simplified this whole process to put you on the fast track to success. 

Increase Student Engagement

Keeping students engaged remotely requires a different set of tactics than working with them in a classroom. Learn proven techniques from the tech-world to capture the attention of your audience and get things done.

For Districts & Higher Ed

Are you a leader who is concerned your team is simply surviving teaching remotely when they could be thriving? We can help you shore up the risk to your school district or university with a site license for your entire staff or faculty.

Lets talk!

For Individuals

Teaching virtually from home is the biggest challenge facing educators in our lifetime. Optimize your setup, and learn the tools & tactics you need to increase your ability to help students achieve learning targets.

I'm ready!

"Wowse! Once I took the Classroom 2.0 class, I realized how much better my virtual teaching will be this year. My students and parents will thank you!"

Joan Jahelka
Leading Compassionate Instructional Practice and Systemic Design

"Riefstahl realized the same techniques that his company (2Win!) uses to teach to some of the most talented and highly paid workers in the world could be effective with the teacher and student experience. They teach people how to be effective communicators during in-person and virtual engagementsā€”and have been doing so using virtual classrooms for over ten years. "

Robyn Shulman
Ed News Daily Journalist

"A truly welcome addition to K-12 professional development including the fundamentals of how to engage students in a distance learning environment."

Sandra Elliott, Ph.D.
Chief Academic Officer, TouchMath

Classroom 2.0

Chad Wilson of 2Win is in high demand as a trainer, coach, and keynote speaker. Learn the technology and tactics he, the 2Win team and, client's like Microsoft use every day to maximize your instructional impact from home!


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